
Bill overview in Storyous application

You will find a list of all closed receipts both in your web administration and on the tablet. In the menu of the application, just select the Bill overview, in it, you will find all receipts issued from all your tablets for the last month. Just pay attention to the user role you are logged in to in the application. For example, a user with the newbie role will not see receipts, and a user with the waiter role will only see their receipts in the last 48 hours.

On the left you will see receipts by day, including their number, issued time, total amount, and the table at which the account was closed, you can select a specific receipt from the list by clicking, on the right you will find its detail (see picture below).

In the receipt details, you will find its number, date of issue, name of the user who closed the account, final price, a percentage discount, the exact amount deducted from the account as a discount, receipt options, and a list of all items in the closed account.

Using the options in the detail (picture below) it is possible to change the payment methods back (you can choose from all types of payments that you have allowed in the company), enter a different number of people, reprint a copy of the receipt, cancel the receipt or return the account to the table. Click on the magnifying glass (in the picture below) to preview the copy of the receipt for reprinting.

If you select cancellation, the system will prompt you to enter the reason for canceling the receipt, you can set the reasons for canceling the receipt in your web administration, there you will also find all canceled receipts, namely in the Check of cancellation and discounts.

From the application on the tablet, users (stock chief, chief, stock keeper, waiter) can cancel the receipt within 48 hours of its issuance. (The newbie role doesn't have this possibility and on the contrary, the merchant and the place manager can change it within 30 days.) Cancellation in web administration is not limited to time. If you cancel the receipt other than on the day of issue, it will be sent within EET to the financial administration on the day of cancellation, so there may be inconsistencies in the statement from FS and the Storyous web administration.

Cancellations will not be written back to already made closures!

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