The customer display allows your guests to track the progress of their order—customers can see the marked products as well as the final price to be paid. The customer display app is installed on a 10" Lenovo tablet and can only be connected with our large 14-inch cash register.
After activating the customer display function in our internal system, the "Customer Display" option will appear in the Devices section of the app. For proper functionality, both devices must be connected to the same Wi-Fi network.
You will receive the tablet with the customer display app already running (see image). To turn it off and access the tablet settings, tap anywhere on the white space next to the word "Connect" four times quickly. Once you do this, a calculator will appear for you to enter a six-digit code (see image).
You can find this code on the main tablet: log into the Storyous POS app, click on the main menu button (three lines in the top left), go to the Settings section, and then click on Customer Display. Copy the code visible in the lower-right corner of the main tablet and enter it on the new tablet. This code is valid for a limited time.
After entering the code, the tablet will take you to the Settings menu, where you can connect it to the Wi-Fi network as usual. Once the customer display is connected to Wi-Fi, click the circle on the bottom toolbar of the tablet to return to the customer display app, as it is set as the default app.
On the customer display screen, the following table will appear, and you will need to enter the number visible on the main tablet in the Device section of the Storyous POS app. For older versions of Chrome, simply enter the last highlighted digit. For newer versions of Chrome, you must enter the full IP address, not just the last digit.
Once you click "Connect," the customer display will show a blank receipt, and as orders are marked in the Storyous POS app, the ordered items will appear on the display.
If you only accept credit cards, customers can enter a tip of their choice on the customer display.
In case you need to turn off the customer display app, repeat the process mentioned above—tap the screen four times and enter the six-digit code from the main tablet. After entering the code, the app will close, and in case of issues, you can verify in the tablet settings whether you are connected to the correct Wi-Fi network.