
Products and product subcategories

Products are your sales items. To ensure they are properly organized, you must assign them to product categories. To manage your sales items, select the Businesses (1) section in the top bar of the page, then in the left menu, select Products (3).

Important: before you begin, don't forget to select the specific Business (2) in the top left corner.
Example: Company XY owns a burger bar and a café. Business A is the burger bar, and Business B is the café. With the Storyous POS system, you can manage multiple businesses in your administration. So, it’s important to switch between them properly.

How to create a product?

  1. In the left menu, click on Products.

    Important: make sure you've selected the correct Business in the top left corner. If All businesses is selected, the product will be created in all your businesses.
  2. In the top section of the page, you can create a new product.

  3. Enter the Product Name and Product Price.

  4. Choose the VAT rate and Print order/ticket if needed.

  5. Check the Display on tablet box – this will make the product visible in the Storyous POS app.

  6. Select the Product Category.

    Note: if any of your branches have products that are not assigned to a product category, these products will not appear in the Storyous POS app. They will be saved under the "Uncategorized" category. It is therefore necessary to always assign products to a category.
  7. If necessary, provide a Product Description.

  8. Create the product by clicking the New Item button.

How to delete a product?

  1. In the left menu, click on Products.

    Important: ensure that you've selected the specific Business in the top left corner. If All businesses is selected, the product will be deleted from all your businesses.
  2. Choose the Product Category in which the product you want to delete is located.

  3. Find the Product you want to delete.

  4. In the Actions column on the right, click the trash can icon.

  5. Confirm the deletion by clicking OK.

How to edit a product?

  1. In the left menu, click on Products.

    Important: make sure you've selected the specific Business in the top left corner. If All businesses is selected, the product will be edited in all your businesses.
  2. Choose the Product Category in which the product you want to edit is located.

  3. Find the Product you want to edit.

  4. In the Actions column on the right, click the pencil icon.

  5. A new window will open. Here you can edit the product details.

  6. After making the changes, click the Save button.

Detailed description for editing products is summarized in the table below:

Term What the term means and where the information will be displayed
Item Name The item name is visible in the app and will also appear on the receipt for the customer.
Product Description This field is optional and will not be visible to the customer on the receipt.
Product Category Select the product category where you want your products to be displayed.
Item Price The selling price including VAT, which will be visible to the customer on the receipt.
Unit The unit in which the product is sold (pcs/l/g).
VAT The VAT rate. Select the VAT rate if necessary.
On Tablet If you check this box, the item will appear in the Storyous POS app on your device. If unchecked, it will only appear in the administration.
Always Ask for Price This feature can be used for any sales item. It is useful when we need to change the name, VAT rate, or price during an order.
Price Level If you set a price level for a sales item, you will be prompted to choose a price in the Storyous POS app whenever the customer orders the product.
Image Here you can upload an image for your product.
Labels Product labels are related to the Reports section in the administration. In the reports, you can filter products by labels across multiple categories that match the criteria set. For example, if you create a label for vegetarian food, you can filter sales items with this label from multiple categories at once (e.g., appetizers, soups, and main dishes).

Every product you create can also be edited directly from the main page, through the left menu in the Products sub-section. By clicking on a specific product detail, you can edit its name, price, unit, VAT rate, and whether the product will be displayed in the app.

How to change the order of products?

  1. In the left menu, click on Products.

    Important: ensure that you've selected the correct Business in the top left corner. If All businesses is selected, changes will be applied to the order of products in all your businesses.
  2. Choose the Product Category in which the product whose position you want to edit is located.

  3. Go to the Actions column on the right.

  4. Click and hold (drag-and-drop function) the icon of the product you want to move.

  5. Move the product to the desired position.

Important: changes will be visible in the Teya POS app on your device.

What are subcategories for?

Example: a business offers several types of wine and wants to categorize them into white, red, and sparkling wines. The business creates product subcategories with these names and assigns individual wines to the appropriate subcategory.
Note: these subcategories will also appear in the Storyous POS app if the items within the subcategory are marked to be shown on the POS.


How to create a subcategory?

  1. In the left menu, click on Products.

    Important: make sure you’ve selected the specific Business in the top left corner.
  2. Select the Product Category where you want to create the subcategory.

  3. On the left side, check the products you want to assign to the subcategory.

  4. In the Bulk Actions menu, select Create New Subcategory.

  5. Name the subcategory.

  6. Click on the Apply button.

Adding, removing items from a subcategory, and deleting a subcategory:

The created subcategory will be highlighted in color, and on the right side, there will be an arrow (1) that allows you to view the products falling under this subcategory. You can easily add or remove products from this category using the move button on the right side of the product (2).

Important: if you remove all products from the subcategory using the move button (2), the subcategory will be deleted.

How to work with returnable packaging?

If you work with returnable packaging, we recommend creating two products in the administration: one with a positive amount and one with a negative amount.

Example: returnable packaging worth 50 CZK and -50 CZK. Once you sell the returnable packaging to a customer, you will mark the product with the positive amount of 50 CZK. When returning the packaging, select the negative product -50 CZK and refund the customer the deposit of 50 CZK.

If you use our inventory system, don't forget to link the returnable packaging product to the inventory card.

How to highlight order prints?

To improve order orientation, you can set a bold or highlighted print for specific products on the kitchen and bar order tickets. This feature helps staff to know which dishes they need to prepare (Steak) and which dishes will be served together but are prepared at a different station (e.g., gratin potatoes).

If you want to set highlighted print, follow the steps below:

  1. In the left menu, click on Products.

    Important: make sure you've selected the correct Business in the top left corner.
  2. Choose the Product Category where the product is located.

  3. Find the Product where you want to set highlighted print.

  4. In the Kitchen Print column, click the set printer for the product.

  5. Below the selected printer, check the Highlighted option.

How to create a product that won't print on the receipt?

Such a product will print on the order/ticket, but it will not print on the customer’s receipt. To set this up, you first need to create the product (see the steps above). While creating the product, enter a price of 0 CZK, which will ensure that it doesn't print on the customer's receipt.

Example: this is used when ordering products that will be sent to the kitchen or bar, or for internal notes for staff regarding serving additional portions, etc.

For a product you’ve already created:

  1. In the left menu, click on Products.
    Important – ensure that you've selected the correct Business in the top left corner.

  2. Choose the Product Category where the product is located.

  3. Find the Product where you don't want it to print on the receipt.

  4. In the Actions column on the right, click the pencil icon.

  5. A new window will open. Here, check the Don’t Print on Receipt option.

  6. After making the changes, click Save.

How to create a product with a variable price (price set during the order)?

To set this up, you first need to create the product (see steps above). When creating the product, enter a price of 1 CZK, which will allow you to set the price variably when the product is ordered.

For a product you’ve already created:

  1. In the left menu, click on Products.

    Important: ensure that you've selected the correct Business in the top left corner.
  2. Choose the Product Category where the product is located.

  3. Find the Product where you want to allow variable price entry.

  4. In the Actions column on the right, click the pencil icon.

  5. A new window will open. Here, check the Always Ask for Price option.

  6. After making the changes, click Save.

Note: a product with a set variable price will display an info icon in the Price column instead of a specific price after saving.

Why aren’t my newly created products appearing in the Storyous app?

Make sure you’ve checked the Display on tablet box in the web administration and that the products are not in the "Uncategorized" category.

You should also log out and log back in on the tablet in the Storyous app by clicking the silhouette icon in the top right corner.


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