The MyStoryous app allows you to easily track basic reports, such as Sales and Current Overview. It is available for both iOS and Android devices. To download, click on the icon for your operating system:
📱 Download for iOS
📱 Download for Android
1. Login to the app
- Open the app and click on Log In.
- Use the same username and password as for the Storyous admin.
- After filling in the details, click Log In.
2. Business Overview
After logging in, a list of your businesses will appear.
Clicking on a specific business will display its details:
- Business occupancy
- Sales on open accounts
- Total sales for the day (clickable for details).
3. Sales Details
In the sales section, you will find:
- Sales breakdown by payment type
- Option to filter data by days, months, or custom period.
4. User Permissions
To access the app, you need:
- One of the two highest user roles, or
- A custom role with the correct permission settings.