
Print Rules

Print rules work based on table sections. This feature allows you to set up order printing on different printers depending on where the order was placed in the restaurant. This function is available for businesses that use order printing for their products.

Practical example: imagine a restaurant with two floors, for which you have created two different table sections (Floor 1 and Floor 2). Each floor has its own bar. If a guest on the first floor orders a beer, the system automatically recognizes that the beer order should be printed at the bar on the first floor.

To create a print rule, select the Businesses (1) tab in the top menu bar. In the left menu, click on Print Rules (3).

How to set up a print rule?

  1. In the menu, click on Print Rules.

    Important: make sure you have selected the correct business in the top left corner.
  2. Click on the + Add Print Rule button.

  3. Enter the Rule Name.

  4. Select the printer for each table section.

    Note: if you are not satisfied with the printer name and need to rename it, contact our customer support team.
  5. Click the Save button.

After saving the rule, you must assign it to specific products in the Products subsection. In the column where you set the printer, you will now see the print rule in addition to the active printers. Select the rule you want to apply to a specific product. If necessary, deselect the previous printer.

How to edit a print rule?

  1. Click on the Print Rules subsection.

    Important: make sure you have selected the correct business in the top left corner.
  2. Find the print rule you want to edit.

  3. In the Actions column on the right side, click on the pencil icon.

  4. A new window will open where you can edit the print rule.

  5. After making changes, click the Save button.

How to delete a print rule?

  1. In the left menu, click on Print Rules.

    Important: make sure you have selected the correct business in the top left corner.
  2. Find the print rule you want to delete.

  3. In the Actions column on the right side, click on the trash bin icon.

  4. Confirm the action by clicking OK.

    Important: remember that if you delete a print rule that is assigned to some of your products, you will need to assign these products to a different printer or another print rule in the Products subsection.

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