
Loyalty program

Loyalty Program offers the possibility to reward your customers for their loyalty.

Options you can offer your customers:

  • Reward in the form of a percentage discount – your loyal customer can have a purchase, for example, with a five percent discount.
  • Reward in the form of stamps and a free product – your loyal customer can buy, for example, ten drinks, and the eleventh one will be free.
Note: The loyalty program is a paid feature. It will only appear in the admin panel if you have requested this feature to be set up. If you are interested in the loyalty program, please contact your sales representative or our sales department.

After activating the loyalty program, you can view information about your customers in the admin panel with an owner account. You can track how much your customers spent in a selected period and, based on that, set a discount, for example. You can find the loyalty program in the Setup.

Information Needed to Set Up the Storyous Loyalty Program

Once you request the loyalty program feature, we will need information from you to set it up. Based on this information, we will create a unique URL for your business:, where your customers can register for your loyalty program.

What we will need from you:

  1. Choose which form of the loyalty program you will use – stamps or percentage discount.

You can choose either Reward in the form of stamps and a free product or Reward in the form of a percentage discount.

  • Stamps – If you choose stamps, we will need to know how many stamps the customer needs to collect to receive a free product. For example, 6+1 = if the customer buys 6 drinks, they will get the 7th one for free. Stamps have a default star icon, but it can be customized to a coffee cup icon.

  • Percentage discount – If you choose this option, we need to know what percentage discount you want to set. This discount can be changed later in the Storyous admin panel in the Businesses > Loyalty Program section.

  1. Your business address

Please provide the address of your business. If you wish, we can set up notifications to be sent to the customer's phone based on this address. You can specify the proximity distance for the customer to receive the notification (for example, within 50 meters of your business).

  1. Your company name for the loyalty program webpage

We will create a simple webpage for your business to register customers into the loyalty program. To create the page, we need to know your company name, which will be part of the URL – The page design cannot be changed, and the text will always be in the default language of your company.

  1. Welcome message on the webpage

If you choose rewards in the form of stamps, we will need to know what the welcome message should be on the webpage for registration into the loyalty program, e.g., "Every fifth hotdog is free."

  1. Information for the back side of the electronic loyalty card

We will also need information for the back side of the electronic card that the customer will have on their mobile phone. They will receive the card after registering on the website. You can include opening hours, social media links, etc., on the back.

Managing the Loyalty Program in the Storyous Web Admin Panel

With an owner account, you can view information about your customers in the Storyous admin panel. You can see how much your customers spent in a selected period and adjust discounts based on that. You can find the loyalty program in the Setup section.

In the Marketing column, you can see the customer's interest in receiving email newsletters from your company. If there is a blue checkmark next to the customer, it means they are interested in receiving newsletters. If there is an "X", it means they are not interested. You can export the list of registered customers anytime as a CSV file in the top right corner.

Click on the pencil icon to edit information about your registered customers.

Click on the info icon to see a summary of a specific customer enrolled in the loyalty program.

If you use the stamp option, you can select the products for which the customer receives stamps in the settings for each customer.

How Does the Loyalty Program Work for Your Customer?

Your customers do not need to carry any physical loyalty cards. Customers will receive an electronic loyalty card, which they can download to their mobile phones. The cards work on both iOS and Android operating systems.

For the customer to get the card, they must first register on the website. Once they register for the loyalty program, they will receive a unique identification number and can download the loyalty card to their phone’s wallet – just like an airline boarding pass. The card contains information about the business, identification number, and a barcode.

At checkout, the customer will present their card, and you will either enter the customer’s ID into the register or scan the barcode with a barcode scanner (if you use one in your business) directly from the customer’s phone. The amount due will be reduced by the set percentage or a stamp will be added.

How to Register for the Loyalty Program?

Note: If you are a customer of a business that uses the Storyous POS system, you can only register for the loyalty program if that business has the loyalty program set up and active.
  1. Go to the business page:
  2. Fill in your name, surname, phone number, and email.
  3. Check the two mandatory boxes: Terms and Conditions and Data Processing Consent.
  4. Optionally, check the box to receive marketing communications.

Once the form is completed, your loyalty card will be generated.

  1. Click on Download to mobile phone.
  2. A QR code with a link to the card will appear.

  3. Scan the QR code with your mobile phone.
  4. Download the card to your phone.

Note: If you are using an iPhone with iOS, you will find your loyalty card in the Wallet app. If you have an Android device, the card will download to the Pass2U/Your Wallet app from Google Play.

How Does the Loyalty Program Look in the Storyous App?

With an active loyalty program, a new "customer" button will appear in the Complete Payment dialog when closing the bill in the app. After clicking it, a numeric keypad will appear where the staff will enter the customer’s ID based on their phone number or scan the barcode from the display with a barcode scanner.

After entering the customer’s ID, their name and, if applicable, the selected discount will be shown. If the loyalty program type is set to a percentage discount, the total amount will be recalculated based on the customer’s discount, and in the Storyous POS app, you will see both the new and the original amount to be paid.

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