
What are Semi-products used for?

Semi-finished products are an optional feature for creating connections between products and stock cards, i.e., recipes. This feature can save you a significant amount of time and effort when linking your products to stock cards.

How to create a semi-finished product?

  1. Select the specific warehouse.

  2. Go to the Semi-finished products subsection.

  3. Click on + New semi-finished product.

  4. Enter the name and select the unit for the semi-finished product.

  5. Click on the Create button.

  6. Find the created semi-finished product in the list.

  7. In the row of the created semi-finished product, click on the Recipe button.

  8. Select the stock cards that will be deducted from the warehouse when the semi-finished product is entered.

  9. In the field, start typing a few characters of the stock card name, and the system will offer a list of matching cards.

  10. Click on the desired stock card for this semi-finished product.

  11. Enter the quantity of this stock card that will be used to create the semi-finished product. When adding stock cards to the recipe, you can either use the base unit with which the stock card was created (e.g., "kg") or choose a smaller unit like "g".

  12. Click on the Create button.

How to edit/delete a semi-finished product?

  1. To edit the name of the semi-finished product, click the pencil icon.
  2. To edit the composition, you must click on Recipes, where you can adjust the quantity, unit, and warehouse from which stock cards (ingredients) will be deducted. You can also completely remove stock cards using the trash icon.
  3. If you decide that you no longer need the semi-finished product in a specific warehouse, you can archive it. Semi-finished products cannot be deleted. All archived semi-finished products will be listed as Inactive.
  4. You can restore an archived, inactive semi-finished product at any time by clicking the lock icon in the list of inactive semi-finished products. After restoration, the semi-finished product will be moved back to Active semi-finished products.

How does semi-finished product production work?

If you decide to produce a semi-finished product, you are essentially creating a stock card. All connected stock cards in the semi-finished product recipe will be deducted from the warehouse once the product is produced.

Example: A semi-finished product could be fresh mayonnaise, and the stock cards (ingredients) for this mayonnaise would be eggs, Dijon mustard, fresh lemon juice, salt, freshly ground black pepper, and vegetable oil. This way, you create a semi-finished product called fresh mayonnaise, which you often use in many of your dishes.

Creating a stock card through a semi-finished product

  1. Click on Produce.
  2. A new window will open. Simply enter the quantity that you are producing.
  3. Select the specific warehouse where you want to produce this semi-finished product.
  4. Select the stock card category.
  5. Define the VAT rate.
  6. Confirm the production by clicking on the Produce button.

Note: If you produce the semi-finished product, it becomes a stock card. This means that when creating a recipe, you must insert the produced semi-finished product – the stock card – into the stock card field.

However, if you do not produce the semi-finished product, you must insert it into the Semi-finished product field in the recipe.


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