
Bulk action

If you need to work quickly and efficiently, this feature will be your great helper. Thanks to the Bulk Actions function, you can edit, copy, or delete an entire category or select multiple products/stock items with just 3 clicks.

Bulk Actions in the Businesses Section

With the help of checkboxes on the left side (2), you have the option to perform a bulk action (3).

You can then either bulk delete the selected products, create a subcategory where the selected products will be moved, or move them to an entirely different category. If you manage multiple businesses, you can even copy the selected products along with their recipes.

Additionally, you have the option to bulk change the VAT rate or change the printer for order printing.

Note: If you copy and rename products in one business, the name will also change for the second business, but the price of the product may differ between businesses.

Bulk Actions in the Stock Section

The Bulk Actions function can also be used in the Stock section for stock cards.
The usage method is the same as in the Businesses section.

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