
Working with reports and statistics

In the Reports section tabs, while working with the Storyous system administration, you will encounter various graphs and statistical data. To conclude, we will summarize the basic controls, which are the same for controlling graphs in all reports.

If you are working with multiple businesses in your administration, you can select a specific business from the menu on the top left to display data from that particular business (1).

On the graphs and their summaries, you can display data only for the selected period. You can set the specific time frame using the calendar on the right side of the window (2).

The period is always selected by two clicks in the calendar, with the first click selecting the date from which you want to display information, and the second click choosing the date until which the data should be shown. All the days within the selected period will be marked in grey, with the first and last days marked in red.

If you want to select only one day, click twice on the specific day.

The current day (e.g., 7th November 2022) will be in a red box.

For faster searching, you can use the options to the right of the calendar, such as: today, yesterday, the last thirty days, etc.

Time segment refers to the length of the time period that is displayed as a single point on the graph. You can choose the time segment directly above the graph on the left side (3). If you have the period selected on the calendar, for example, from 1st February to 23rd February, and have set the time segment to display by days, 23 points will appear on the graph. If you switch to hourly display, 552 points will appear - one point for each hour of the 23 days.

The Daily period time segment will show revenue based on a 24-hour layout.

On the graph, you will see a visualization of the statistics according to the selected business, period, and segment. When you hover over a selected point on the graph, the specific value corresponding to that point will appear (4). The larger the value, the higher the point will be on the y-axis of the graph.

Above the graph, you will find summaries of the specific report (5). This shows the sum of the displayed values for the period you selected. The summaries in the graph vary in each tab of the Reports section in the administration, depending on the type of specific tab.

You can also choose to display only selected records in the graph, allowing you to compare, for example, the sales of two or more products, or display only the revenue that was paid in cash or the revenue from a specific table. You can select records from the table below using the checkboxes on the left (6).

To export data, use the graph export and table export buttons (7 and 8). When exporting the graph, the data will be exported into a .xls file, and you will find everything according to the filters you selected.

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