
Basic information about the Storyous application

Activation of the Storyous/Tablet App

The license to use the Storyous app on individual POS/tablet devices can be activated at any time.

If you have purchased a register POS/tablet and want to start using it, it should be ready to use when it arrives. To log in, use your username and password. The POS app will be activated automatically.

If you want to reactivate the tablet after a previous deactivation, log into the app, and your device will be automatically activated.

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Important: Activating the POS app license on the register POS/tablet will trigger the monthly billing for this license.

The POS app may require a license key. This is a 4-digit code linked to the activation or configuration of the POS/tablet.

Step 1: Configuration

The configuration will link your POS/tablet to your POS admin.
To configure the tablet, you need to enter the license key.
Call our customer service, and our agents will provide you with the 4-digit code.

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Enter the code and click Continue.
You will now be able to log in using your user login details.

Note: Don’t worry; the configuration will not cause you to lose any information in the POS app. The app will load all your data from the web administration.

Step 2: Permissions

You must allow permissions if you haven't done so already. The POS app requires permission to access storage and the phone.

  • You can do this when the app requests it, or you can go to the Settings on the POS/tablet.
  • Click Apps & Notifications > Storyous POS and under Permissions, allow access to storage and phone.

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Deactivation of the Register POS/Tablet App

The license for using the POS app on individual POS/tablet devices can be deactivated at any time. If you wish to deactivate the POS/tablet app for any of the reasons explained below, you must contact our customer support.

Important: In case of deactivation and contacting customer support, have the serial number of the POS/tablet ready (S/N:). This number can be found on the label on the back of the device. Alternatively, you can have the POS/tablet number ready, which can be found in the POS app → MenuSettingsPOSDevice Name.


Seasonal Business

  • If you operate a seasonal business and do not want to pay the license fee for every month of the year, you can request deactivation of one or more devices. The deactivation can not last shorter than one month, meaning that it is not possible to deactivate the device only for a weekend (e.g., on Friday and Sunday) and reactivate it shortly after.
  • To reactivate the POS/tablet app, simply log into the app, and your device will be automatically activated.

Damaged POS/Tablet

  • If your POS/tablet is damaged and cannot be claimed under warranty, it needs to be deactivated so that you are not charged a monthly fee.
  • In case of a warranty process, we will lend you a replacement POS/tablet for the duration of the claim process, and this device will be automatically activated upon your first login.
    Call our customer support to deactivate the original POS/tablet so you are not charged.

Inactive POS/Tablet

  • If you have a POS/tablet in your business that you are no longer using (or temporarily not using), it can be deactivated so that you are not charged a monthly fee.
  • To reactivate the POS/tablet app, simply log into the app when you need to use it again, and your device will be automatically activated.
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