In Cash Flow, you have access to the complete history of all your completed closures. It provides you with an overview of the date, the total amount of each closure, and who performed the closure. Each closure also includes detailed information about your cash on hand, sales, and tips. In this section, you also have the option to perform closures and add cash flow movements.
To access Cash Flow, select the Accounts tab (1) in the top menu bar. In the left menu, select Cash Flow (3).
How to perform a closure?
If you want to close your daily sales, perform a closure.
Note: We recommend performing the closure directly in the POS app on your device. |
However, if you want to perform the closure in the Storyous administration, follow these simple steps:
Select the Cash Register on which you want to perform the closure.
Check the Closure Date.
Important: Make sure you’ve selected the specific business in the top left corner. -
Click on the Perform Closure button.
A detailed overview of the current sales in the register will appear.
Click the Perform Closure button again.
Within the portal, you can also manage cash flow movements, including withdrawals from the cash register and deposits into the cash register. To add a cash flow movement, follow these simple steps:
Select the Cash Register on which you want to perform the cash flow movement.
Check the Date.
Important: Make sure you’ve selected the specific business in the top left corner. -
Click the + Add Movement button.
Choose whether it’s a Withdrawal from the Register or Deposit to the Register.
Enter the Amount.
Select the Date – for the current movement or a past movement.
Note: For better clarity, you can create categories for the cash flow movement. Click on the Cash Flow Category button, name the category, and save it to the list by clicking the + Add button.
If needed, you can specify a category and a note.
Click the Save button.