The Storyous app now features an improvement with an enhanced top bar, where next to the login icon, you will find the System Check function.
This function helps you detect potential issues with the internet connection, associated devices, and provides additional information, such as the battery level of the tablet and the current status of the Storyous app.
If everything is fine with your tablet, network, and connected devices, all lines will be green. A red color indicates any issues or warnings. To update the status, simply click the Update All button in the top right corner.
Currently, the function provides a quick diagnostic of the problem. Depending on the issue, you can then resolve it yourself (e.g., by checking the connection or device setup), or you can call our customer support to report the specific problem shown by the bar.
What do the individual lines display?
Internet Connection
- This shows how the device is connected to the internet (WiFi, LAN, mobile network).
- The internet connection icon will turn red with a message indicating the problem, e.g., if the device is not connected to any network or the connection is slow.
Connection with Main "Master" Device
A green line indicates that:
- The device is the master.
- The device is successfully communicating with the master device.
- If the device is in offline mode, the "Connection with Main 'Master' Device" line will not be displayed.
A red line indicates that:
- The device is in offline mode but doesn’t know the IP address of the master or cannot connect to the master tablet.
Terminal Connection
- This line is shown only for integrated terminals.
- If no terminal is added in the device section, the “Terminal Connection” line will not be shown at all.
- It displays the availability/unavailability of the connected payment terminal.
Printer Connection
- If the printer is not added in the device section, the line will still appear green.
- In case some printers are unavailable, the line will turn red.
- In the future, the printer connection will work the same way as the terminal connection line.
Print Success Check
This displays if something hasn't been printed and allows you to click for a detailed view of the specific unprinted item.
Device Synchronization with the System
There is a certain authority rule under which devices synchronize with each other (who they report to).
- If the device is the master, it will try to sync with the admin, even in offline mode.
- If a tablet (not the master) is in offline mode, it will try to sync with the master tablet and will show the number of unsynchronized changes.
- If a tablet (not the master) is on a different network than the master (e.g., mobile data), it will try to sync with the admin.
App Update
Shows the availability of a new version of the app and allows installation.
Battery Status
- Will notify you about a low battery on the device.
For the PAX A920 and PAX A920 Pro, there is a warning at 15% and 10% battery level (if the battery falls below 10%, PAX will no longer print). - For other devices, there is a warning at 10% battery level.